My Super Simple 3 Part Fitness Formula That Helped Me Lose Weight and Lower Body Fat

Sammy Miller
3 min readMay 24, 2022

Simplify for results

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

Over the winter I got into the worst shape of my life.

My body fat % was in the 20’s where it used to be around 13%. My resting heart rate was up and I was having trouble keeping up with my kids. I was the definition of skinny fat.

I’ve made some changes in the last 5 months that have positively impacted my fitness levels.

The best part is, it’s been really easy to lose the weight and keep it off. I have 3 basic rules that I follow and don’t worry about much else. My body fat is back down to around 16% and dropping, my resting heart rate is in the 50’s, and I can chase my kids around without any trouble.

Here is what I’m doing:

Eat Real Food

  • Focus on meat, veggies, and fruit
  • Keep carbs under 100g a day
  • Alcohol, 2 or less
  • Avoid food with labels

Nutrition can be a struggle and endlessly debated. I try and keep simple. Eat food that doesn’t come with a label, and if it does, keep the carbs under 100g.

Paleo, Keto, high-fat, low-fat, low-carb, etc., etc., the point of most diets is to get you to eat real food. Ditch the processed crap and eat something your Great, Great Grandmother would recognize.

I’m not a huge fan of counting calories or macros so I only count one thing. If you and your family are no longer making it and have to buy it in packaging, like bread, pasta, or oats, I keep the carbs under 100g.

Alcohol I keep to 2 or less a day, usually less, and trend toward spirits over beer. If your drinks need a nutrition label, they aren’t good drinks (energy drinks, juice, etc.)

My meals consist of meat, veggies, and fruit. I don’t count anything with those 3 food groups although I try to use protein as my base. This is my mental model around food.

I was at a huge conference, and using this template, with minimal physical activity, I still came back down body fat.

Do Resistance Training

  • Resistance training 3x a week
  • Choose something you can do consistently
  • Bodyweight, kettlebells, resistance bands

I try to do resistance training 3x a week.

Having more muscle helps you burn more calories when you are doing absolutely nothing. Take advantage of this fact and train for it. I suggest getting a program you will stick with.

I am not getting in my car and driving to the gym and this point in my life. I need a workout I can do from home, usually in a half hour or less. I recommend using bodyweight, kettlebells, free weights, and resistance bands.


  • Move more today than yesterday
  • Standing desk, gardening, having fun
  • Low impact walking, biking, swimming

Don’t worry about how you’re moving, focus on moving more.

Low impact activities are a great was to start. They won’t make you too sore to continue and you’ll probably dread them less than higher impact activities like running. Walking, biking, and swimming are my favorites.

Find ways to move more. Get a standing desk, start a garden, take the stairs. A body in motion will stay in motion.

Move a little more than yesterday.


I’m not a doctor, this isn’t medical advice, but this has worked for me.

To get in shape you don’t need any fancy programs, buy a lot of expensive foods, or get a bunch of cool equipment.

Stick to the basics and results will follow. Eat real food, do some resistance training, and focus on adding movement to your day. The trick is to do a little bit better each day.

What are your thoughts, will this simple framework work for you?



Sammy Miller

I love to read and write. I’m interested in telling better stories and living a better life. I focus on work and play. I write about business, fitness, and life